Our Model

E pluribus unum”... “Out of many, one.

Our Model

Unbound Stockton is a safe and inclusive 4th - 8th grade school for ALL students in our Stockton and greater Stockton community. Our students will learn and work through real world experiences together, so they will know not learn to live in a diverse 21st century society, but how to impact it.


Courses and Curriculum

At the Social Justice School, students will get a great education that’s aligned with the Common Core, but structured and delivered in a way you’ve never seen it before. (Learn more about our model here.) 


Students in the inaugural class at the Social Justice School will be enrolled in: 

  • Math 

  • ELA (English and Language Arts) 

  • Fitness 

  • Liberatory Design Lab (Social Studies) 

  • Science 


Our Common Core aligned Direct Instruction methods explicitly teach students the skills needed to become both graduates and social change agents. By combining rigorous academics with community activism, we increase student engagement and their understanding of the content. We intentionally adopt curricula that reflects the cultures of our students and families.

A sample approach to an ELA + Liberatory Design Lab unit: 

  • Throughout the unit, students closely read selected articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) related to events in Esperanza Rising where human rights are threatened.

  • Scholar-Activists will compare Jackie Robinson’s Promises to Keep with The Most Beautiful Roof, a book on rainforest change, through a set of workshops based on curriculum for social change.